How long can Coronavirus stay in our Beauty Products?

How long can Coronavirus stay in our Beauty Products? Due to COVID-19, we have to sanitize everything. But what do we do to our daily makeup and skincare? In times of these, it is best not to share your makeup or use testers.

As the Coronavirus continues to spread around the globe, people are getting increasingly worried about getting exposed to the virus as they go about their daily routine. Is it safe to touch the buttons in an elevator or receive packages in the mail? Experts say the likelihood of getting infected this way is rather slim, and that social distancing and WHO recommended hygiene measures are the best to avoid infection.

Coronavirus Beauty Products

How long can Coronavirus last on different Surfaces?

The Coronavirus remains ‘viable’ or infectious on:

  • Cardboard: up to 24 hours
  • Plastic: up to 3 hours
  • Stainless Steel: up to 3 days

As Aerosolized floating particles, the virus remains ‘viable’ or infectious on:

  • In Air : 3 hours
  • Copper: 4 hours
  • Stainless Steel: up to 13 hours
  • Polypropylene: up to 16 hours

Viruses do not spread as aerosol particles, except in the case of certain Hospital treatments that can aerosolize the virus.

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Contracting COVID-19 from surfaces is rare

The most common way the virus spreads is through droplets, discharged when some coughs or sneezes. These droplets can travel up to six feet.

The virus can cause an infection during the first 10 minutes to two hours after someone sneezes or coughed if you come in contact with the surface of the virus particle.

Most virus particles degrade in minutes or hours outside a host organism and the number of infectious particles diminishes rapidly over time. You can get an infection by touching your face after coming in contact with an infected surface. Studies find that people touch their faces an average of 23 times every hour, sometimes more for those with facial hair.

As people become wary of touching suspect surfaces, from door handles to banknotes, it’s important to disinfect frequently used surfaces and wash hands regularly but it’s not advisable to immobilize yourself out of fear.

Experts say touching surfaces containing the virus is not a major way Covid-19 can spread. Person-to-person contact is the primary way. Besides, you may not get an infection by coming in contact with some virus particles. Most infections are caused by large viral loads, which usually require substantial exposure to the virus. Experts say tens of thousands of virus particles are needed to break down the immune system and cause an infection.

Viruses are effectively dead outside a living organism

Viruses need a host to survive. Outside a host organism, viruses are not capable of infecting a person. Viruses are effectively dead unless they are in the host organism’s cells, which they hijack to replicate themselves.

A coronavirus infection takes up to two weeks to show up as symptoms, though there have been cases of the virus spreading through pre-symptomatic people. Serious cases of Covid-19 can last several weeks. But the virus can stay in the body even after a patient’s condition improves.

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Can COVID-19 stay in our Beauty Products?

It is not clear how long the coronavirus stays on different surfaces, it is reported that it can stay from 2 hours to nine days on different surfaces. Coronavirus is not tested on beauty products. If anyone contracts coronavirus, they should avoid using any beauty products or sharing with other people.

Your makeup products at risk can become safe again if not touched for many days. The virus will not be viable in most of the ingredients. Products with high alcohol content ( cleansers and toners ) & Detergents, will make the virus inactive. Creams Products are made with less alcohol, they may or can get contaminated.

Make-up brushes and sponges have to be washed regularly. Wipe your make-up bag and any products if used outside your home. Double-dipping applicators into make-up to be avoided after using on your skin. Going to a salon or spa to be avoided is very risky. If at all you have to go then take your tools and make-up kit.

Will you show them the dustbin if your Beauty Products are exposed?

An eye infection can spread through shared products, but right now there is no evidence to show that a person can be reinfected with COVID-19. Experts are divided on whether you should quarantine the products or show them the dustbin if you get infected.

Coronavirus Beauty Products
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They say “Prevention is Better than Cure”, So the best practice is to maintain hygiene, wash your hands for 20 seconds, don’t touch your face, eyes & nose. Because when this Coronavirus pandemic is over you can still play with your make-up kit.

The Coronavirus pandemic is unfolding in real-time and guidelines change by the minute. So please refer to WHO for updates.

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