There are tons of different batteries out there and whether it be your car battery or your inverter battery, there is no point to go and check them at the service station every time. This way it consumes more effort and time as well as money How to Check Inverter Battery with Multimeter.
That’s where the multimeter steps in, with the help of this device not only will you save time and money but also get an accurate range of information.
So if you were wondering to check your inverter battery, a multimeter can get the job done without a hitch.
Here’s how.
Table of Contents
What is a Multimeter?

Before we get into checking your inverter battery with the term “Multimeter”. Let’s get acclimatized to what it means and does.
A Multimeter is an electronic instrument which is also known as a Multitester, used to measure voltage, current, and resistance. This instrument offers several measuring functions in one unit, thus the term multi makes some sense. Additionally, multimeters are also referred to as volt-ohm meters.
A multimeter is an excellent tool for checking on batteries and they provide almost accurate values. Due to their ability to be compact and multifarious, they are popular these days. These multimeters can provide a ton of information that an ordinary meter box cannot.
You can check the voltage drop in connectors and cables, you can also measure the rating of charging in solar panels, check diodes, and lightbulbs, measure voltage for batteries, and so forth.
One of the best things about multimeters is they are low in price and more physically robust. They are available in a variety of options and prices.
What is a Digital Multimeter?
Some Digital Multimeters can show graphs representing the measuring value.
This is the standard instrument for all those technicians and Do-it-yourself (DIY) pros.
How to Check Inverter Battery with Multimeter?

Now, get ready with the multimeter and place it on the table or wherever you want to test the battery. In addition to this, bring the battery near the multimeter so that you can test it easily.
Since batteries are in direct current form (DC), switch the button towards the DCV section of your multimeter, so that you can measure the voltage in DC. Check the maximum voltage of your battery.
You will find this information on the manufacturer’s website or somewhere on the battery. In case, you don’t find it on the battery due to worn labels, just visit the website or the store you purchased the battery from.
Once you find out the voltage set the dial to the maximum range of the voltage, which will be mostly 20 V on the multimeter for a 12 V inverter battery. That’s why knowing the maximum voltage range of your battery is crucial.
With the observing part sorted out, let’s now work with the connections.

For connection, you will have to connect the wire of the multimeter to the terminals of your battery. But before you do make sure to clean the terminals of the battery with the help of wet cloth and baking soda or other similar types of wiping material.
Now, touch the Red wire on the positive terminal of your battery which will have the sign of +. Similarly, for Black wire, place the black wire end on the negative terminal of the battery that will have a – sign.
For your 12-volt battery to work in optimum conditions, it is crucial to have readings above 12.6, or at least above 12. So for example, if you get a reading of 12.4 on your multimeter then it means that it is still usable and in working condition, you can also check for How to Charge Car Battery With Home Inverter if you are planning to buy a new one for your car.
On the other hand, if the ratings are below 12 then it means that the battery is either fully discharged or needs to be replaced. These are sulfated batteries that in the worst case need to be replaced.
Concluding Thoughts on How to Check Inverter Battery Health with Multimeter
That’s it for checking the battery with a multimeter, this is an easy way to get accurate ranges of values without spending more money. Make sure that the reading you are getting on your battery is at very least above 12 or in good shape should be 12.6 nearby.
Generally, for a 12 V battery, the range would be 0 to 15 volts on the multimeter, and for a 24 V battery, the range would be 0 to 30 volts.
This is How to Check Inverter Battery with Multimeter to money and save time too.