Cleaning Espresso Machine Properly | Tips and Tricks


Espresso Machine, which also works at least once a day, is not the proverbial chips, but a lot of deposits that settle in supply lines, sevens and in the brewing unit. If these are not removed regularly, you will not be able to taste any aroma after a short time and so the enjoyment is over. Here is a guide on How to Cleaning Espresso Machine properly.

The finely ground espresso powder secretes some of the oils and fats contained in the coffee during the brewing process. These are located wherever parts of the machine come into contact. If these are not eliminated, then you will taste it on your espresso. A clean machine guarantees that you will enjoy your and the espresso for a long time.

Tips for Cleaning Espresso Machine Properly

Tips for cleaning an espresso machine properly

You are a pleasant person, and your demand for daily espresso is high? Especially then you should read the following tips carefully in order to be able to perform a perfect cleaning. But also rarely used machines have to be maintained in order to always be ready for use when it is necessary and to be able to brew optimal espresso, with all its versatile and varied aromas.

Perfect Care and Cleaning can happen in many Ways – Machine Cleaning Tips & Tricks

Daily Cleaning:

  • The dam plant, which is responsible for foaming the milk, is one of the most important parts of the machine. It should be cleaned after each use because then it is easiest.
  • With a clean, damp cloth, you can best remove the fresh milk residues. Then turn the steam unit up briefly to blow out the last remnants.

The Next Step:

  • If you want to prepare several espressos, you should rinse the sieve unit with warm and clear water in between. Then rub with a cloth. To do this, remove the sieve. Fixed coffee oils are thus easily removed.
  • Remove espresso residue from the brewing group simply by removing the sieve carrier and letting water pass through. In addition, the water is brought to a constant temperature, and you can prepare the next espresso perfectly.
  • Once you have prepared the last espresso for the day, you can free the brewing group from the espresso residues that had accumulated up to that point.
  • To do this, use a group brush to carefully brush out the residue.

The Last Step for Daily Espresso Machine Cleaning

last step for daily cleaning

Here the collecting sieve for the dirty water should be cleaned. There are water and clean coffee maker residues in it, which on the one hand can cause mould and on the other also very high-quality espresso machines rust. Don’t let it get that far.

For daily quick cleaning, it is also important that you do weekly cleaning. The blind sieve, coffee fat dissolver, milk seam cleaner and a group brush are used.

The First Step:

  • The brew must be removed from the sieve carrier.

The Second Step:

  • Even if the dam is wiped daily, the residues of the milk accumulate on the connecting pieces, which have been brought there by the evaporation.
  • Wipe them thoroughly first, then turn off the lower part of the lance.
  • Now you can free the thread from the milk residues with a sponge.
  • Then fill a glass with a water/milk cleaner mixture, where the water should be hot.
  • Put the dam plant in there overnight.

The Third Step:

  • The blind sieve is now filled with the coffee fat dissolver (depending on the manufacturer’s specification) and clamped together with the sieve carrier.
  • Slight back and forth movements promote a better distribution of the fat dissolver in the brewing group.
  • Caution!
  • The pressure can splash out water, and there is a risk that you could scald yourself.
  • This process should be repeated several times in a row.
  • Afterwards, you can thoroughly rinse the brewing group to free you from the very last residues of fats, oils, but also from the residues of the espresso machine cleaner.

The Fourth Step:

  • Both the shower and blind sieve and the sieve carrier should be placed in coffee fat dissolvers. However, the plastic handle of the screen carrier should not come into contact with the grease releaser.
  • Take advantage of the time when the parts in the cleaner give way to clean the brewing group with a group brush.
  • Then rinse all parts thoroughly under warm and flowing water.

The Fifth and Final Step:

  • When all parts are clean and dry again, the sieve carrier can be reassembled and hung in the brewing group.
  • Your Espresso Machine is ready again after you have rinsed it again with clear water.

How do I Clean my Espresso Machine?

Although espresso and coffee powder contain oils and fats, these settle down and end up in the sieve, in the brewing unit and in the collecting sieve. If these are not removed regularly, it is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, mould and other microorganisms. The milk settles in the dam (inside and outside), clotting and then leaves a sour taste.

All this greatly reduces the taste and contributes to the fact that you do not enjoy your espresso machine for long or can even get sick. Don’t forget that you also have to descale your espresso machine from time to time. Depending on how hard or soft the water is in your region, the more often or less often you should decalcify.

In case of very hard water (over 14° DH), you should descale about every three months. Maybe it’s worth thinking about a water filter because hard water doesn’t just break the espresso machine.

If the water in your residential area is rather soft (up to 8.4° DH), descaling is only necessary about two times a year.

Conclusion – Cleaning Espresso Machine Properly

If you buy an Espresso Machine you will notice that it is already a major purchase. If it breaks, a new device will cost a lot of money again, but this could have been avoided. So you should not delay the cleaning for long, because it only takes a few minutes.

Perfectly maintained, clean and decalcified espresso machines, as well as coffee equipment machines, pad and other screen carrier machines work efficiently, do not develop harmful bacteria or germs and make you feel good for enjoying every cup of espresso.

In addition, the service life of your machine increases many times over, so you will enjoy it for a very long time. Remember to always consult your machine’s manual for specific cleaning instructions tailored to your model. Regular Cleaning Espresso Machine not only maintains the machine’s performance but also ensures the flavor and quality of your espresso.

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